
2014年3月4日—MetascanClientallowsyoutousearemoteMetascanServertoscanfilesonanyWindowssystem,complementinganyrealtimeprotection ...,Usage.require'metascan''metascan' ...,MetascanClient3.0.1.17417.Asimpleandspeedyon-demandvirusscanner.Windows3.80MB ...,2014年3月11日—OPSWATispleasedtoan...

Different Ways to Use Metascan Client to Help Protect ...

2014年3月4日 — Metascan Client allows you to use a remote Metascan Server to scan files on any Windows system, complementing any real time protection ...


Usage. require 'metascan' scanner = filename ... Batch Scanning. require 'metascan' scanner = ...

Metascan Client free download

Metascan Client A simple and speedy on-demand virus scanner. Windows 3.80 MB ...

Metascan Client 3.0.4 Released

2014年3月11日 — OPSWAT is pleased to announce the release of Metascan Client 3.0.4! This new version of Metascan Client is now available for download through ...

MetaScanner (Apache HBase 1.2.12 API)

metaScan(Connection connection, MetaScanner.MetaScannerVisitor visitor). Scans the meta table and calls a visitor on each RowResult and uses a empty start ...


Opswat为运行Windows 8,Windows 7和Windows Vista的终端引入了Metascan Client 。 Metascan是一个服务器应用程序,用于扫描具有多种防病毒软件的文件。

Opswat Metascan Client

Opswat Metascan Client: AntiVirus Scanner With Multiple Engines For Network Administrators. Below are steps to help an IT admin set up virus scanning of ...

相关定义— MetaScan 0.0.1 文档

MetaScan · Docs »; 相关定义; Edit on GitHub. 相关定义¶. 常用的辅助方法. 辅助方法相关 ... client.rb 里代码封装了 send_request_raw 方法, include 之后,我们可以在 ...